Mon 10-3-2025

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Planned activities

Pier Paolo Strona: CD

- Click the CD cover -

Scott Joplin - RAGTIME             J.S. Bach - GOLDBERG VARIATIONS

G. I. Gurdjieff, T. De Hartmann - EASTERN ECHOES             19TH CENTURY VENEZUELAN WALTZES

Domenico Scarlatti, 19 SONATE             Music from the New Forest at Wessex Institute

Italian Music from the XVIth to XVIIIth century             J.S. Bach's Inventions and Sinfonias, Vitual Pipe Hauptwerk St. Anne's Moseley Organ

Itinerari musicali in Europa             G.I. GURDJIEFF - T. DE HARTMANN, ECHI D'ORIENTE

Philip Glass - Piano works             DOMENICO SCARLATTI, 34 SONATE

Philip Glass - Piano Works, a selection performed on the pipe organ              DOMENICO ZIPOLI, Sonate d’Intavolatura per Organo e Cimbalo

Domenico Zipoli y Autores Anonimos (XVIII)              Philip Glass, 20 Piano Studies adapted to the pipe organ

For further informations and asking for the material
please contact Pier Paolo Strona.

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